Owner’s Representation

Project Management + Construction Consulting

Advocating for owners throughout the design + build process.

Construction projects, no matter the size, are a major undertaking.  Depending on the project size and scope, conception to complete could take anywhere from months to years.  In that time an owner faces a multitude of questions and challenges.  Understanding entitlements, permitting, site constraints, design development,  schedules, building materials, budgets and overall general construction can quickly become overwhelming.  There may be an opportunity for an owner or staff to monitor the project, but construction projects present a unique set of challenges and without the correct knowledge and experience, the project could be destined to fail.

There are many advantages to hiring an owner’s representative.  Construction is fast paced and time sensitive.  It is critical to remain pro-active.  Attending meetings, being available to answer questions needing immediate answers, assessing the ongoing needs of the project and staying in communication with the entire project team is key to a project’s success.

An owner’s representative should have extensive knowledge and experience regarding  the construction process and all building disciplines.  Progress is constant and decisions always need to be made.  Many decisions require the owner’s approval.  The project can and most likely will be delayed if a decision is not forthcoming.  This, in turn, can result in schedule delays and added costs. 

An owner’s representative will be a liaison, strategist and facilitator.  Above all an owner’s representative will protect the owner’s interests making sure the project remains true to the owner’s vision, schedule, and budget. 

It is the job of the owner’s representative to avoid setbacks, solve problems, reassess milestones, and maintain the budget and schedule.  Having an intimate knowledge of the project allows the owner’s representative to make decisions that reflect the goals and expectations of the project.  Building relationships between the members of the team ensures open communication and collaboration.

As owner of Structured Management & Consulting Group I educate, assist, and advise owners throughout design development and construction. I work with owners on a wide range of construction projects, managing complex details across disciplines to achieve project goals.  Long-term trusted relationships are important to me as I work to understand and aid my clients in executing their vision. 

I work in your best interests; determined to establish trust, I am transparent, candid, and dedicated to my client’s and the project’s success. I advocate for a collaborative team approach to achieve specific project goals.  Through relationship building, effective communication, and efficient decision making I strive to reach creative solutions to everyday challenges.

Please see the ‘Services’ page for more details.